How to Create a Great Product Page

Product pages are one of the most important pages on your website. So it’s only natural that you want to create a great product page. A good product page helps convert browsers into buyers. At the same time, they will provide your customers with information to help them make informed purchases.

There are many ways to build eCommerce product pages. In this article, we’ll share some product page design best practices that you can use to improve your own pages.

You can also see examples of different product pages so you can get a better idea of ​​what works well and what doesn’t.

Don’t Wait for Someone Else to Do It

Product Page Design: 8 Tips for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs
Your product pages can make or break an ecommerce business. So this is critical to the design. Here are all the elements you need in your product page design to make it more inviting to online shoppers.

perfect product description
According to the Nielsen Norman Group , the most effective product descriptions are scannable, concise and on-target. Showing this type of content will increase usability by 124%.

To create scannable content, you should include Printing And Publishing Manufacturers Email List short bullet points in your product descriptions to make them easier to read. Brief content is 1-4 sentences describing the product. Objective content honestly describes the product rather than exaggerating benefits.

In the example below, there is too much unnecessary information. Also, as colors and sizes run out of stock, you must continue to manually change the product descriptions for all products accordingly.

Product Page Description

Job Function Email Database

In the next example, there are three sentences. The first sentence describes the product in a neutral way using some bullet points provided by Oberlo. Feminization replaces CNB Directory the “gender: female” perspective. Next, write two sentences to describe the clothing collocation. This allows potential customers to visualize the matching of the shirt they are looking at.

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